Lithotech s.a

Lithotech specialises in trading Top Brand machines and services regarding digital pre or post printing machines. The company is based in Athens, Greece and operates mainly in the Greek and Cypriot teritory. Through agile procedures, unique know-how, digitized information and constant developement, Lithotech corresponds extremely fast to its associates. Everything mentioned above leads Lithotech to be among the most-trusted companies in the field.

Brand Identity, Products Catalogue, Printed Adverisements are many of the features we designed.

  • Branding
  • Printing
  • Web
Lithothech website mockup - home page
Lithothech website - 3 mockups
Lithothech website - product page
Lithothech website mockup - product list
Lithothech product catalogue (1)
Lithothech product catalogue (2)
Lithothech product catalogue (3)
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